Glutamate is simple terms is an excitatory neurotransmitter that is meant to stay in balance with GABA (a calming neurotransmitter), in a see-saw like fashion within the body. Imbalances in this seesaw in favour of glutamate, due to excess glutamate in the system - this can be via foods, microbial imbalances etc, can play havoc with health. This imbalance in favour of glutamate is common in children with autism. And really is a HUGE piece of the healing puzzle that isn't really on many people's radar - including biomed doctors. It has helped us hugely in understanding how to help Rose too. Glutamate is considered an 'excitotoxin'. Excitotoxins are compounds that have the ability to overexcite nerves/ brain cells to death.
For your convenience I have linked specific pages that I think you will find useful below.....
Need help implementing these changes?
Amy Yasko 'Feel Good Nutrigenomics'
Video describing what glutamate is, where it can be found and how it impacts human health.
Glutamate can be found under many different ingredients names. Also check supplements! At one point your child may have been prescribed a cocktail of supplements under a biomed doctor. These might contain several additives containing glutamate. Rose was extremely reactive to many supplements for this reason.
The Happy Healthy Unicorn