I’m Vicky, mum to Rose 6, and Jack 5. I created this website to share our journey on the path to optimum health and wellness for Rose, my unicorn with autism. Rose’s progress to date has shocked us all, and is utterly mind blowing to the point where I felt compelled to share our story and hopefully help others. Being completely let down by mainstream medicine made us forge our own path and is what has inspired me to create a space where accurate information is easy to digest and accessible.
During our journey I decided to change career path and invest my whole self into learning as much as possible to help other families like my own. I am part of the @documentinghope health coach team. I specialise in autism, through my experiences of my current healing journey with my own daughter. And am currently working towards my qualification in nutritional therapy. I am excited to be able to support other families like my own. I understand how overwhelming all of the information can be!
Good nutrition is monumental for any child, but especially children with autism. You can read more about this by flicking through the pages in this site. This can be extremely difficult to achieve if your child has restricted eating patterns/food fears and biochemical imbalances/ deficiencies which can make diet changes seem impossible. I know this is a huge hurdle for lots of parents/carers wanting to make a change and can make things seem very overwhelming for everyone.
When I first started out on this journey I realised quickly that fun and appealing healing foods don’t really exist and so I spent lots of time in the kitchen creating my own versions of loved foods! I hope this site can be a very easy resource for feeding tips (practised with my own white flour cracker addict!) and fun recipe ideas for nutrient dense/ allergen free/ non-inflammatory foods that I have spent years creating for my own children!
If you do have any questions or want to connect I can be found @thehappyhealthyunicorn on instagram. Or you can message me here by filling in the contact form. I love hearing from you and am always happy to help in any way I can as I once felt the isolation that many parents feel at the beginning of the diagnosis.
Talking about helping my child with autism through diet and lifestyle can be seen as controversial, and it may even offend some. This is not my intention! Of course, there is an abundance of research, which is rapidly growing. For me, the facts that matter are the transformations that I have seen in my own child on this journey. It is what I see daily with my own eyes that helps me to form an opinion as to whether or not diet and lifestyle can help a child with autism. I connect with other parents every day who are on the same journey. learning and realising that our children can have a better quality of life.
This website is for anyone that might want to use any of the information that I have spent years researching and learning. I really hope that this can help you on your journey with your little people.
The Happy Healthy Unicorn